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Koji makes you more conscious on your lifestyle,
on the environment and brings smiles to people.


Yuko Ronda 論田裕子

Tel     :076 221 6333


Website  :

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The invitation for the Luzern Japan summer festival was a great opportunity for me to spread Koji and Miso’s attraction and benefits to a wider audience.
Due to prolonged Covid-19, the festival could not be held two years in a row.
It is quite sad, but I am also very grateful for the opportunity to be introduced online, and look forward to meet you all in person one day in Luzern.
We are sure that the next edition of the Lucerne Japan Festival will be filled with smiles and reunions after a long absence. We will continue to work hard to ensure that we have a real stall at the festival with our koji and miso.

Shop Content

Koji and Koji products Sales

Koji : Rice Koji, Barley Koji, Bean Koji,   Brown Rice Koji, etc.
Miso : Rice miso, Red miso, Barley miso, Combination miso, Bean miso, etc. (Stock changes depending on the production status.)
Soy sauce: Koikuchi shoyu, Saishikomi Shoyu (to be re-selling after January 2022)
Others: Amazake, Shio koji, etc.


麹 Koji

Koji making is a part of my life and for me is like Yoga and meditation. 

This year I have made Koji over 100 times.

My Koji, Miso and other products are made in a traditional way with natural fermentation. Due to this, Kojiron products taste different, but enjoyable and tasty every time. 

Koji is usually made on order. Koji is prepared accordingly to customer’s needs.
So, when I receive and order, customers can tell me what the Koji will be used for. (type of miso, sweet sake, cloudy sake, salted koji, etc.)


In addition to the production and sale of koji and miso, we also run workshops to promote and pass on Miso and Koji culture.

Workshops are always very popular and receive good feedback.お客様の声・customer-review/

They are held in small groups of about 6 people at Kojiron site in Baden.
 Workshops can be also held at customer’s venue.
If you are interested, please feel free to contact us by phone or email.

Instagram: ns.kojiron


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